Friday, March 28, 2008

you mean the 'trap' of enjoying my life?

oh, hey... I missed you. This is no excuse but... my like has been fun lately. I've been living the comic more than I've been writing it. Thanks to those who've been living it with me.


matthew said...

what is it with you and "being happy" or "having fun"? come on, that's what we've been doing since, like, forever, right?

(ps. BEAUTIFUL drawing. 'specially the top panel)

matthew said...

comment for the next comic:

(fuck, you really DID have a nice bed. [non-suggestive.] sweet story, but developed too quickly, so it's hard to identify with, i think. though i identified with it easily, but for obvious reasons. [again, non-suggestive.] i mean...)

no comment.

Unknown said...

okay, it did develop quickly, but hopefully it is going to exist in a larger context.

I know there is not a lot of information, but I think that SOMETHING, a feeling, can be derived. (Sadness? Uncertainty?). Thanks for the feedback (so quick too!). I disagree with you (non-suggestive).

Meg said...

I guess Tae used blogspot on Desi's computer last... but I suspect that he'd agree with me... Right Tae?

MOm said...

Oh Hey,
I'm with Matt, the drawing on the top panel is BEAUTIFUL.

I'm glad you have so many friends in Athens, even if they are a distraction.

Who is Tae?

Meg said...

Tae is yet another friend of ours... He came over to the house for dinner the other night and apparently brought a bunch of bread... but I was in Savannah, and I've decided to eat less bread.

cristoforo said...

i really enjoyed your comics may may. thank you for sharing.