Friday, March 28, 2008

okay, this shit is serious...

I'm not sure where this whole project is going... These pages are pretty different than the others. 'Creative Non-Fiction' is what Desi called it. I don't feel like writing an explanation right now. Hopefully they speak for themselves. If not, please ask me what to clarify. I love my readers and I'm slightly ashamed that it's been so long since my last post... but I'll get over it.


Libberation said...

Meg, I haven't read your blog in a long time, but I think this one is in no need of an explanation. On its own it is beautiful and complete.

Destinee said...


MOm said...

Oh Hey,
I don't know where this project is going either, but I can really appreciate all the work and thought you are putting into each entry. Are you creating this work for yourself or for your readers? Do you want to chronicle only things that REALLY happened or are you going to make stuff up? Can you even remember what really happened? (I know I can't) Anyway, to me there is VALUE in what you are doing. You are observing and preserving your life experiences through ART.

matthew said...

goddamn it, your mom is smart

matthew said...


Meg said...

whoa matt, don't let Desi hear you type that. (She claims to be the original 'DEE money'.)

Thanks MOm! I'm glad that I'm back in the swing of things. I'm looking forward to drawing more soon!

Ricky said...

what a relief i thought we'd lost you to the ages.