Saturday, April 5, 2008

oh, hey Wayne.

I really wanted to write this story about Wayne because lately I've been thinking a lot about time, memory, and broken hearts.

Man, by the time I get done with these things I'm exhausted I can't write about them... But I would like to hear what y'all think. I've been very motivated by the recent feedback!


matthew said...


that's all true?


Meg said...

It is all true... or kind of. I mean, I obviously wasn't there. I made up the part about listening to 'Take It Easy', but I think that was a pretty stellar touch. I never thought I'd be writing comics with Eagles' lyrics, but I have a new found fondness.

Ricky said...

i really wanna take that tour with wayne. he is handome.

Meg said...

the tour of love? Including: pool playing, skiing, fancy cars, gambling, and tears (if you're lucky).

The question is: 'is it better to have loved and lost'?

Meg says: 'just try to lose me'

Danielle said...

Its good to see Wayne in here! I did have trouble understanding what is going on in the bottom panel. Just so I get this right, Wayne gave a ride to some woman who used to have a crush on him?

Meg said...

Umm, she didn't have a crush on him. He didn't know who she was, but he assumed that they had had a brief, whirlwind relationship at some point. He just didn't remember her face specifically. The incident just made Wayne remember all the beautiful ladies he had been with in his younger days. Instead of feeling bad about all of the potentially broken hearts; he was glad to have the memories.

wayne's world said...

OK I was taken by complete surprise as the ladies left the shuttle one of them said "You broke my heart." and then she was gone. I get a lot of very strange comments and have my entire life but that sometimes goes with leading a rather strange life.
I thought about this comment several times over a few weeks and wondered of course if I had broken her heart and how many hearts I had broken if any in my years of having fun and living fast. I always fall back on the explanation that if one is always open and honest when entering a relationship and explain in detail what the other person should expect or not expect then nobody should be broken up over the event but have great memories of some very very good times.
The real truth is that no matter what you tell somebody about how you are, what you are capable of, and your total lack of a commitment they still sometimes expect what they want to happen and are disappointed when what they wanted doesn't happen for them.
If you lead a very fast and full life you might not even take the time to analyze your impact upon the other persons "heart" meaning no harm of course but still inflicting pain to them because of what they "wanted".
"Take It Easy" was an excellent touch and very fitting of course- you did well.
There were several situations that I felt remorse and guilt about how my lifestyle affected other people but (not justification) in the vast majority of encounters we had a great time and great memories.
For the few that wasn't the case I am honstly sorry and realize how selfish I was to not be able to see how my actions hurt. I apologize.
Thanks Meg

Tiffany said...

Ok, so after Wayne's explanation, I realized how much I've been on the flip side of this situation. The one where things have been explained, but I still had expectations that weren't congruent with what had been told to me. I've set myself up for a lot of disappointment, but I take full responsibility for having those feelings. It's a crazy little game that I can't seem to quit playing.

desiree said...

tiffany, that was a tight comment.

Made me miss gestalt. Shall we start getting down again in may?

Tiffany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MOm said...

Oh Hey,
I found this strip and all the comments very interesting. Also, I liked the Eagles lyrics.

Wayne, I think you have a very good writing style. YOU should write some stories about your experiences. I think they would be fascinating.

wayne's world said...

Thank you for the writing style comment but I think I ramble on and on and.... etc. and there it goes again....

wayne's world said...

there was a post here but gone now I think by tiffany about not being sure they could communicate with somebody that maybe they burned bridges with.
Living a long time does give one more experiences to learn from and I have learned that humans are willing to forgive almost anything if they hear a sincere (NO "buts")apology. One really must think about that before doing it and know why they want to make amends. The best reason would be that you mean it and are sorry you said things. NO BUTS! "I am really sorry I yelled those awful things at you. BUT YOU Blah, blah" that just doesn't work. This might be way off topic for oh, hey cartoon.
I don't think one ever LOSES if they love and are loved for any period of time.
"What this world needs now...."

Tiffany said...

Thanks Wayne. That was me and I deleted the comment because I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for this setting. I did end up talking to the person who I said I wouldn't talk to again, and it ends up, that for now, it wasn't meant to be that he and I communicate. It's a little sad because I do think that he's a decent person, but he has his issues with me and I with him.

Although an apology may not be fitting for this situation right now, I do, in general, find apologies very hard for me. I feel as if I make a lot of mistakes, and although I realize that, it's very hard for me to admit that to others, even when it's already obvious to them. It's definitely a weakness of mine.