Tuesday, February 19, 2008

remember when all of those people just got out of their cars and walked...

... everybody hurts; sometimes.

I didn't wear a two piece on my trip, but I did run into the ocean carrying an Imperial (beer) wearing just my sports bra and padded, spandex bike shorts after a particularly awesome ride through the hills... so my torso did see the light of day; if only the fading light.


Tiffany said...

I like your new stuff Meg! I like this one in particular because you're very open with your insecurity in it. It's refreshing to me.

matthew said...

i realized that everything i was going to say was pretty asshole. so, after thinking:

i like kip's smile in this one. that's what it was supposed to be, right? karen eats peanut butter like that too, this specialty kind that actually tastes more like butter than peanut butter. it's awesome.

MOm said...

Oh Hey,
I know you would never brag, so I want to tell everyone how awesome you were on the Costa Rica trip. You and Rich kept up with "Ironman" (biking, hiking, rafting, kayaking and even drinking) without a problem. It was amazing and fun watching you two.

matthew said...

NOTICE: mom just kudos'd yr drinking.

keep up the good work, meg.

Meg said...

we DID NOT drink that much... I even recall a couple of nights when my MOm actually had more to drink than I did... let's not talk about drinking...

Thanks for 'bragging' about me MOm.