Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Charlie Brown moment

This little incident is from my recent trip to Lincoln, NB. I think there is some good material from this trip and hopefully I'll be blogging/drawing more about it soon.

So what's the deal? Why have I been away so long? Well, I'm glad to say that my hiatus from 'oh, hey' has not been a result of any sort of depression... I'd actually contest that it's been the opposite. I've been very happy/active/social since my last semi-morbid post. I think that last post from April was actually great catharsis. oh, hey. now that I'm back here I realized that I've missed you.

I'm going to compose a zine of some of the comics I've written over the past year. If you'd like a copy send my an email @ schreima31@hotmail.com titled 'oh,hey' and give me your address... If I already have your address... just be a buddy and do it anyway...If you live in Athens you have the option of me handing you the zine... In which case: send me an email titled 'oh, hey' and in the body write hand me the zine. I'll try to have these compiled and in the mail by July 14th. What's today? Oh, ship. I've gotta get off this Kinko's computer, my balance is probs like 2o bucks. My computer was stolen last week! Right out of my bedroom... And they didn't take ANY of my art work... I'm SO offened.


matthew said...

you're NOT a jerk. if it makes you feel better, in the child's exhibit at the denver art museum under "what is beauty?" i wrote "genocide", with my left hand, so it looked like kids writing. no joke; liz saw it and punched me.

good comix, though. the flow of the first one was erratic but the story was pretty simple, so it was a nice balance. the second one was very pleasing, structured, so much so that i could picture it in the sunday comics (sans penis, of course).

and to make a long post longer, i'd just like to say that i would've stolen your art over your shitty cluttered computer anyday. in fact, i'd like to steal some of yours from around town right now. in eric/caleb/jo's place, they have that one you did of corey up and it matches the decor nicely. jo said "yeah, it's corey!" and i said "no...it's meg. but it's a picture of corey..."

desiree said...

Oh, hey meg... this is meg, I'm on Desi's computer and I didn't want to re-login as myself...

Thanks for the comment Matt. I'm glad that even after a month and a half long hiatus you're still the first one to comment, and comment on the day of the post to boot!

On the first one I was trying to capture the streets of Athens a little, but I didn't end up having a whole lot of free space. I guess the only defining landmark is the 'ok' coffee shop sign. Someday I'll have the patience for background!

Destinee said...

At the downtown Seattle Public Library they have a small (but growing) zine collection. Should I ask for a copy of your zine and try to get it in the library? I know the librarian who started the collection.

(Side note: Maybe I'm just too deep in the library world, but it seems kind of impressive to me to have your work in a library.)

desiree said...

F-yeah Destinee! I (meg) would love one in the library! Send me your address (I can hook you up with two copies).

matthew said...

that seattle library is fucking crazy. you should put one for sale (at a small price) in left bank books, too, D.

MOm said...

Oh Hey,
I'm very excited to be in this entry. You captured the way I carry my purse perfectly.

Matt, your story about the Denver Art Museum cracked me up.

I DEFINITELY want an Oh Hey Zine.
1480 Combie Rd.
Meadow Vista, CA 95722

(just in case you forgot the address, ha, ha,)

matthew said...

1) can't believe you thought that was funny, mom!

2) thanks for the public address, i may send you something.

Meg said...

I'm pretty surprised that my MOm thought that was funny. I guess she has a more morbid sense of humor that I thought.

rob peterson said...

this one's pretty rad.